The Colosseum

And Ancient Rome Tour


7 days a Week


€40 per person, including your ticket

I help you understand "what was" with my unique set of illustrations and pictures and - with lively stories and a detailed exploration of these famous areas, you will marvel at the engineering of the age.

We will also talk about the advent of archeology and its importance on these ancient Roman sites.

No one can imagine the impact that the Roman Empire has had on the rest of the world!

I cover all the major monuments not only in the Roman Forum, but also the marvelous and often overlooked Trajans' Markets and Column, the Forum of Julius Caesar, the Palatine Hill and we spend a lot of time inside the Colosseum.

I also tie this tour in with some of the sculptures that you will see in the Vatican, because I like to demonstrate a unity and consistancy between the two areas, and I hope it helps people remember better.

What I have here is important, and the knowledge you get from this tour can be carried to many other cities in Europe and many other archeological sites throughout the Western World.

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